Dr. Drew Adelman

Licensed Psychologist


I received my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin.  I also received a Masters degree in Counseling and Personnel Services from the University of Maryland, College Park, and I completed my Bachelors degree at the University of Virginia. 


Prior to moving into private practice I served as a Staff Psychologist with the Georgia Tech Counseling Center where I directed training and coordinated diversity and inclusion initiatives for the Center.  I completed my doctoral internship and post-doctoral training with Counseling and Psychological Services at the University of Pennsylvania.  I also completed training with the Counseling and Mental Health Center at the University of Texas at Austin, and other work in a variety of settings including inpatient, private practice, and community mental health centers. 

Theoretical Orientation

I'm not the kind of psychologist who sits silently and nods while you do all the work.  I'm an active therapist and will be engaged with you in your sessions.  I like to use humor and metaphors in my work and am committed to being honest with you.  I am integrative in my orientation, meaning that I draw on different theoretical approaches to adapt my work to meet your needs.  I'm most strongly influenced by relational psychodynamic theory, which means understanding how your experiences and relationships influence the lens through which you see yourself and others.  I'm also strongly aligned with Feminist and Multicultural Counseling, particularly in how I conceptualize aspects of identity, power, and privilege.  In my work, I often integrate techniques from other types of therapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, etc.) if such techniques will be helpful to the you.

I am committed to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes openness and trust where all beliefs and values can be freely explored.  I work to provide services that are sensitive to all types of cultural and individual identities.  In addition, I strive to create an atmosphere which advances awareness and acceptance of unique individual differences, and to provide culturally relevant services in accordance to each client's personal needs.


Prior to beginning my doctoral training, I worked in higher education and have worked at universities all over the United States.  While I have lived in many places around the country, I grew up in Arizona and return home to visit family and enjoy the desert.  In my free time, I love to try new restaurants and recipes, work on puzzles and games, and travel around the US and abroad.  I regularly take cooking classes and often experiment with new cuisines.  To stay active, I enjoy hiking, running, swimming, and yoga.